B & G Subdivision
In 1887, Block 2, Lots C, D, & E (each lot was 5 acres) of the Monrovia Tract was subdivided into the Lots D and C of the B&G Subdivision. The owners may have been L.H. Green and Frank A. Gibson on whose behalf the subdivision was filed on April 6, 1887.Lots D& C are bordered on the north by Foothill Boulevard (formerly White Oak Avenue) and the south by Whittemore’s Subdivision. Lots D & C are bisected by South Encinitas Avenue which was cut through the subdivision shortly after the subdivision was filed.Lot D is bordered on the west by South Myrtle Avenue. Lot C is bordered on the East by South Ivy Avenue.

Most of the lots ran east/west and were originally 49 ½ feet wide and 130 feet deep. Lots 1-5 in Block C face Foothill and run north south. They were 50 feet wide and 148 ½ deep. In Block D, Lots 1-3 also face Foothill and were 50 feet wide and 148½ deep. However, Lots 4-6, a total of 148½ feet, face South Myrtle, and run east/west.
Though subdivided in 1887, no structures show up on the 1892 or 1897, Sanborn maps until 1907, so it doesn’t seem to have been a rapidly growing area. However, houses were built in the late 1890s after the 1897 Sanborn map came out. The 1907 Sanborn map shows 18 family dwellings on Lots D & C. On the 1913 Sanborn map, there are 22 family dwellings and two commercial structures, the ‘Leven Oaks Hotel and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Both commercial structures faced South Myrtle.