115 E. Lime Avenue
This photograph of the property dates from around 1912. That is George Barry standing in the front of the building.
This Sanborn map image for 1913 shows the configuration of the structure and its position in relation to the other structures on the block at this time.
This is the current view of the property.
This photograph of the property dates from around 1912. That is George Barry standing in the front of the building.
The 1911 Resident and Business Directory of Monrovia lists this address as the business and residence address of George Barry, publisher of the Monrovia Daily and Weekly News, and his wife, Harriet H. Barry, editor of Pacific Poultrycraft. Their 1908-1909 address was La Vista Grande, a large hotel located across the street from 115 E. Lime.
The 1913 Sanborn map shows the outline of a typical commercial building, a narrow rectangle that stretched back over two-thirds of the lot. It was two-story with the stairs to the second story on the east side of the building. The photo, dated 1912, of the structure shows it to be made primarily of brick. Other commercial structures built during this period that still stand are made of the same materials, indicating that this was common during the first part of the last century.
This structure continued housing printing-related activities for many decades. There is another plumbing permit pulled in the name of Monrovia News for October 3, 1941.
In the early 1950's, the property was acquired by the California Water and Telephone Company. The utility applied for permit, dated April 2, 1952, for the demolition of a residence and a garage. Then in 1954, there is a permit dated 1954 for a “remodel” valued at $7,000. Since that time, the structure erected by the utility has been expanded from lot 16 to lots 17, 18, and 19, the houses on those lots being demolished. Additionally, the building, which started out as a single story, has added two more levels.