127 E. Lime Avenue
This map shows the very simple, modest house that Adeline F. Wright built.
Adeline Wright's house has the address of 127 E. Lime Avenue.
This map shows the very simple, modest house that Adeline F. Wright built.
Lot 19 was undeveloped until 1898 when Adeline Wright built a small house. Sanborn maps indicate the house was made of wood. The style of the house would have been a plain Victorian with little ornamentation. The map shows the house to be small
There are no permits for the property, so it is unknown if there were alterations to it. There is no record of when the house was torn down, but it probably was razed around 1953 when the house to the west at 123 E. Lime was demolished for the California Water and Telephone Company and its parking lot.