223 E. Lime Ave.

The map shows a small house that would become 219 E. Lime Avenue on the west side of Lots 18 and 19.

This map shows that Lot 18 has now been subdivided and there is a very large house at 223 E. Lime Avenue.

The map shows a small house that would become 219 E. Lime Avenue on the west side of Lots 18 and 19.
John C. Anderson owned the property from 1888 to 1901. After that, the property had four owners: Mary Sergeant for two years; L.S. Calvin for one year; and A.W. Morgan for two years. Cy Hall bought the property, valued at $350, in 1909, and is assessed $50 for a small structure in 1911-1912. The next year, he built a large house valued at $300. The following year the value increased to $1400.
The residence zone for Lot 17, along with Lots 18, 19, and 20, was changed in 1960, as the first step in tearing down the houses on those lots. In 1962, a Planning Commission Architectural review states that Lot 17 was 50 x 160 feet. It did not conform to building code or zoning ordinances, and was at least 50 years old, as if age were some kind of crime.