225-225 1/2 E. Lime Avenue

This map shows Lots 19 & 20 as a double lot, but Newlan's house is on the east side of the lot that will become 225 E. Lime Avenue

The map shows that Lots 19 & 20 have now been divided, and small second house has been added to Lot 19. The address for the back house is 225 1/2 E. Lime Avenue.

Where this parking lot is now, families lived out their lives, planted their gardens, and each played a part in the growth of Monrovia. This parking lot is rarely used.

This map shows Lots 19 & 20 as a double lot, but Newlan's house is on the east side of the lot that will become 225 E. Lime Avenue
Levi Jackson Newlan owned this property from 1888 until 1907. He built a house, valued at $300 on the property in 1888 and lived in it with his two sons.
The Sanborn maps show the house as being a small structure with a front porch and a bay window facing east. Given the period of time in which it was built and the other houses built at the same time which still stand, it is likely that the house was a wood frame structure with modest Victorian architectural features. There are no permits for the house and the Sanborn maps show little change in the house.
Levi and his son Charles A. were blacksmiths, and his other son, Eugene Frank, was a harness maker. According to records, Eugene Frank did not stay in Monrovia very long, so the house was occupied by just the two others until Levi Jackson Newlan's death in 1906. After 1907, his Charles sold the property to B.A.P. Eaton, a retiree, who only owned his for two years, selling it to David S. West in 1910.
David West lived less than a block away at 127 E. Lime Avenue, and he rented out his new property over the years to many people. Sometime after 1927, an additional dwelling was built on the lot with the address of 225 1/2. Since there are no permits, it is difficult to determine exactly when it went up. However, there is a 1939 Monrovia directory entry for someone living at 225 1/2 E. Lime Avenue, so the second dwelling went up sometime between 1928 and 1939.
There is no demolition permit for this property, but it was probably razed in the late 1950s or early 1960s when the houses on Lots 17-20 were torn down for a parking lot to serve the utility company in the next block.