Myer M.
30 Aug 1854
Date of Death:
3 Jan 1937
Place of Death:
San Francisco, California
Properties Owned:
From 1888 to 1913, the ownership of Lot 13, Block B in the Town of Monrovia Subdivision passes between Myer M. Lowenthal and Robert Green. Some years they are both listed as owners.
Myer Michael Lowenthal and his family emigrate from Poland to the United States in about in 1868. He grows up in San Francisco, his father Joseph working as a merchant. In 1886, he marries Annie Siegal, a German immigrant, and they move to Los Angeles where Myer works at different jobs in sales.
It is most likely here that he meets Robert Green. Neither Lowenthal or Green ever live in Monrovia, and it is Lowenthal who joins the land rush and first purchases Lot 13 in 1888. At that time, the land is valued at $300, but in the next year, Lowenthal sees the value drop by half, and another $50 dollar drop in 1890. It is then that Robert Green comes in as partner.
While Lowenthal is working in Los Angeles and watching his property drop further in value, he and Annie have one child, Edith. However, by 1891, they are back in San Francisco, where they have their second child, Alfred. Over the next few years, Lowenthal works in the mecantile field and at one point is a ladies' tailor. During this time, he continues his partnership with Robert Green, finally selling out to him in 1897 when the property sinks to an all time low of being worth $75.
Myer and Annie have one more child, Joseph, and the family continues to do well with Myer's hard work. By 1910, the census record records him as working in real estate. By 1920, Myer is managing a cafe and his son Alfred is working with him. He continues working in food service until he retires.