Mable C.
7 Dec 1883
Burnet County, Texas
Date of Death:
31 Jul 1950
Place of Death:
Monrovia, Los Angeles, California
Properties Owned:
Mabel Menefee was born December 7, 1883, in Burnet County, Texas. By 1900, she and her mother were living in a boarding house at 441 N. Grand in Los Angeles.
Tax records show that Miss Menefee purchased Lot 17 from Cora M Graves who had only owned the property for two years; however, she had built a house, valued at $400, on the site. The 1911 Monrovia directory lists Mabel Menefee as living 217 E. Lime Avenue, and her occupation is listed as “nurse.” The 1920 directory lists her as an office nurse for Dr. J.K. Sewall. The 1930 census lists the value of the house at $4,000 and Miss Menefee’s occupation as a dental assistant.
The 1913 Sanborn map shows two dwellings on the property, and it is likely that Mabel Menefee rented out the smaller house which had an address of 217 1/2. Mabel Menefee lived in the house for 39 years until her death on July 31, 1950.
For more detailed biographical information on the Crandall and Denslow families, contact the Monrovia Historical Museum Foundation. A fee will be charged for access to the information.